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Health and Safety Topic – Workplace health and safety, Ergonomics Assessments

Blog 103 Ergonomics

Health and Safety Topic – Workplace health and safety, Ergonomics Assessments

Ergonomics is the science of designing and arranging things people use so that the people and things interact most efficiently and safely. It’s a multidisciplinary field that involves understanding human capabilities and limitations and applying this knowledge to the design of workplaces, tools, and tasks to improve comfort, efficiency, and safety.

The Essence of Ergonomics

At its core, ergonomics aims to fit the environment to the person rather than forcing the person to adapt to the environment. This approach reduces the risk of injury and enhances productivity and satisfaction. Ergonomics is one branch of health and safety and that many HSE consultants are concerned with.

The History and Evolution

Ergonomics has its roots in the industrial revolution when the need to improve worker productivity and reduce fatigue became evident. The field gained significant traction during World War II, as the efficiency and safety of machinery and equipment became crucial. Over the years, ergonomics has evolved, incorporating insights from anatomy, physiology, psychology, engineering, and design to create safer and more efficient work environments.

Key Principles of Ergonomics


  • Ensuring that workstations and tools are designed to minimize discomfort. For example, adjustable chairs and desks that accommodate different body sizes and shapes help prevent strain and injury.


  • Designing workflows and tools that enhance productivity. This includes arranging tools and equipment within easy reach to reduce unnecessary movements and time wastage.



  • Reducing the risk of injury by designing tasks and equipment that consider human physical capabilities and limitations. Properly designed tools can prevent repetitive strain injuries and other work-related musculoskeletal disorders.


User-Centered Design

  • Involving users in the design process to ensure that products and environments meet their needs and preferences. This includes testing and refining designs based on user feedback.


Applications of Ergonomics

Workplace Ergonomics

In office environments, ergonomics involves designing workstations that promote good posture and reduce strain. This includes adjustable chairs, desks, and monitors, as well as proper lighting and layout. Key considerations include:

  • Chair Design: Adjustable height, lumbar support, and proper seat depth to support the back and legs.
  • Desk Setup: Desks at the right height to allow for a natural arm position and sufficient legroom.
  • Monitor Placement: Positioning monitors at eye level to prevent neck strain.

Industrial Ergonomics

In manufacturing and other industrial settings, ergonomics focuses on designing tools, equipment, and workflows to reduce the physical strain on workers. This includes:

  • Tool Design: Ergonomic tools that minimize the force required and reduce awkward postures.
  • Workstation Layout: Arranging workstations to minimize repetitive motions and ensure that tools and materials are within easy reach.
  • Manual Handling: Training workers on proper lifting techniques and providing equipment to assist with heavy loads.

Product Design

Ergonomics is also crucial in product design, ensuring that consumer products are comfortable, safe, and easy to use. Examples include:

  • Electronic Devices: Designing smartphones, keyboards, and other devices to fit comfortably in the user’s hand and reduce the risk of repetitive strain injuries.
  • Household Items: Creating kitchen tools, furniture, and other household items that are easy to use and reduce physical effort.

Enhanced Workstations:

Workstations with ergonomic design enhance the body’s natural position and lower the risk of musculoskeletal problems. Employees can tailor their workspaces to meet their individual needs with the help of adjustable desks and chairs, which encourages good posture and comfort throughout extended workdays.

Integration of Technology

Because digital technologies are so common in today’s offices, ergonomics now takes into account digital gadgets in addition to actual furniture. Keyboards, mouse, and monitors with ergonomic designs ease hand, wrist, and eye strain while increasing comfort and productivity.


Mobility and Adaptability

In workplace settings, sedentary behavior is a widespread worry that can lead to a number of health problems. Dynamic seating components like stability balls and standing workstations promote mobility throughout the day, enhancing circulation and lessening the adverse consequences of extended sitting.

Specific Task Ergonomics

Different ergonomic solutions are needed for different tasks. Employees who perform repetitive activities, for instance, can benefit from tools and equipment made to reduce strain and tiredness, and those who work collaboratively might profit from flexible seating arrangements that promote cooperation and communication.


Environmental Factors to Be Considered

In addition to the physical components of the workstation, ergonomics also takes into account surrounding elements including air quality, noise levels, and illumination. Locations that are well-ventilated, have good lighting, and produce little noise foster attention and focus.

Employee Contentment and Engagement

Putting money into ergonomic design shows that an employer cares about its workers’ well-being, which can increase engagement, morale, and job satisfaction. When workers feel appreciated and encouraged, they are more likely to give their best work and stick with the company.

Benefits to Long-Term Health

Organizations can lower absenteeism and healthcare costs by putting ergonomics first. This lowers the risk of work-related accidents and health disorders. Additionally, encouraging a culture of health and wellbeing can improve the organization’s standing and draw in new hires.


Challenges and Future Directions


Despite its benefits, implementing ergonomic principles can be challenging due to costs, resistance to change, and the need for continuous evaluation and improvement. However, advancements in technology, such as wearable devices that monitor posture and movements, are providing new opportunities for ergonomic improvements.


In the future, the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning could further enhance ergonomic designs by providing personalized recommendations and real-time adjustments to work environments and tools.


Benefits of Ergonomics


Improved Health and Safety – Reduces the risk of musculoskeletal disorders and other work-related injuries, leading to fewer lost workdays and lower healthcare costs.


Increased Productivity – Well-designed work environments and tools can enhance efficiency and reduce fatigue, leading to higher productivity and quality of work.


Enhanced Employee Satisfaction – Comfortable and safe work environments contribute to employee well-being and satisfaction, reducing turnover and increasing morale.


Cost Savings – Reducing injuries and improving efficiency can lead to significant cost savings for organizations through lower compensation claims, reduced absenteeism, and higher productivity.


What is a DSE Assessment ? (Display Screen Equipment Assessment)


A display screen assessment, also known as a Display Screen Equipment (DSE) assessment, is a systematic evaluation of workstations that involve the use of computers, monitors, and other screen-based devices to ensure they meet health and safety standards. The primary goal of this assessment is to identify and mitigate risks associated with prolonged use of display screens, which can lead to various health issues such as eye strain, musculoskeletal disorders, and repetitive strain injuries.  As an HSE consultant, sometimes we may conduct DSE Assessments for companies, or, sometimes for companies with many employees. We may create checklist forms that the employees themselves can use.


During a DSE assessment, several factors are evaluated, including the positioning of the screen, keyboard, and mouse, the height and adjustability of the chair, lighting conditions, and overall ergonomics of the workstation setup.


Assessors, such as a Health and Safety Consultant,  look for proper alignment to reduce neck and back strain, optimal screen brightness and contrast to minimize eye fatigue, and adequate desk space to prevent cramped or awkward postures. Recommendations often include adjustments to equipment, the introduction of ergonomic accessories like footrests or monitor stands, and guidelines for taking regular breaks to reduce continuous screen exposure.


Employers are typically responsible for conducting these assessments regularly, but usuefully outsource this task to a competent health and safety consultancy company. Especially when setting up new workstations or when employees report discomfort.


A thorough DSE assessment not only ensures compliance with health and safety regulations but also promotes employee well-being and productivity by creating a comfortable and safe working environment. Regular reassessments and training on best practices for screen use are essential components of an effective DSE program, helping to address ongoing or emerging issues and fostering a proactive approach to workplace health.


How to Conduct a DSE Assessment ?


Conducting a Display Screen Equipment (DSE) assessment involves evaluating the setup and use of display screens to ensure they meet health and safety standards, thereby minimizing the risk of discomfort and injury. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to conduct a DSE assessment:


Preparation – Understand any Guidelines in Place


Familiarize yourself with relevant regulations and guidelines, such as the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations in the UK or OSHA guidelines in the US. In the UAE, where Corporate OHS have their health and safety consultancy. In the absence of Federal law as regards ergonomics assessments. We look to either Abu Dhabi’s OSHAD Code of Practice No 14. Manual Handling and Ergonomics. Or, Sharjahs OSHJ System Code of Practice No 12. Manual Handling and Ergonomics.


Gather Necessary Tools


Prepare a checklist or assessment form based on these guidelines to ensure all aspects are covered.

Equip yourself with measuring tools, such as a tape measure, to assess distances and heights accurately.


Employee Engagement – Inform and Educate


Explain the purpose of the assessment to employees and how it can benefit their health and productivity.

Provide basic training on ergonomic principles and the importance of proper workstation setup.


Involve Employees in the Process

  • Encourage employees to express any discomfort or issues they experience while using their display screens.
  • Ask them to demonstrate their usual working postures and routines.


Workstation Evaluation

Screen Position and Setup

  • Ensure the top of the screen is at or slightly below eye level to prevent neck strain.
  • Position the screen about an arm’s length away from the user to reduce eye strain.
  • Check that the screen is free from glare and reflections, adjusting lighting or using anti-glare filters if necessary.


Chair and Desk Setup


  • Ensure the chair is adjustable in height and provides good lumbar support.
  • Check that the desk height allows the user’s forearms to be parallel to the floor when typing.
  • Ensure there is adequate space under the desk for leg movement.


Keyboard and Mouse Position

  • Place the keyboard and mouse close enough to the user to avoid overstretching.
  • Ensure the keyboard is at a height that allows the wrists to be in a neutral position, avoiding excessive bending.


Peripheral Equipment

Assess the use and placement of other equipment such as document holders, footrests, and telephone headsets to ensure they support an ergonomic setup.


Posture and Movement

Monitor Posture

  • Check that the employee is sitting with their back straight, shoulders relaxed, and feet flat on the floor or on a footrest.
  • Ensure that the head is balanced and not tilted forward or backward.


Encourage Regular Movement

  • Advise employees to take regular breaks, ideally every 30 minutes, to stand up, stretch, and move around.
  • Recommend exercises or stretches that can be performed at the workstation to reduce tension and improve circulation.


Documentation and Feedback

Record Findings

  • Document the assessment findings using the prepared checklist or assessment form.
  • Note any adjustments made during the assessment and any further recommendations.


Provide Feedback and Recommendations

  • Discuss the findings with the employee and provide practical advice on making necessary adjustments.
  • Offer solutions for any identified issues, such as ergonomic accessories or adjustments to lighting.


Follow-Up and Continuous Improvement

Schedule Reassessments

  • Plan for regular reassessments, especially when new equipment is introduced or if an employee reports new issues.
  • Conduct follow-up assessments to ensure recommended changes have been implemented and are effective.


Promote Ongoing Education

  • Provide ongoing training and resources on ergonomic best practices and the importance of maintaining a healthy workstation setup.
  • Encourage a culture of continuous improvement where employees feel comfortable reporting issues and seeking help.
  • By systematically assessing and addressing the ergonomic setup of display screen equipment, you can significantly reduce the risk of discomfort and injury, promoting a healthier and more productive workplace environment.




Ergonomics is a vital field that bridges the gap between humans and their environments, ensuring that our workplaces, tools, and tasks are designed to support our physical and cognitive needs. By prioritizing comfort, efficiency, and safety, ergonomics not only enhances individual well-being and performance but also contributes to organizational success and sustainability.


Despite its benefits, implementing ergonomic principles can be challenging due to costs, resistance to change, and the need for continuous evaluation and improvement. However, advancements in technology, such as wearable devices that monitor posture and movements, are providing new opportunities for ergonomic improvements.


In the future, the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning could further enhance ergonomic designs by providing personalized recommendations and real-time adjustments to work environments and tools.


Ergonomics is essentially a strategic requirement that affects worker performance and well-being in the workplace, not just a question of comfort or design. Through the incorporation of ergonomic concepts into workspace design and management, businesses can establish conducive settings that foster individual well-being and elevate productivity, satisfaction, and achievement. Adopting ergonomics will be crucial to creating workplaces that are healthier, more productive, and sustainable as the workforce changes.


Corporate OHS – Health and Safety


If you are looking for support with occupational health and safety in the UAE and help from expert Safety Consultants. Corporate OHS are Health and Safety Consultancy services provider whose HSE Consultants offer expert resources and superior performance to give you greater results.


We specialize in creating workable, user friendly solutions aligned to your business activities, operations and budget.


Our range of health and safety consultancy services includes;

  • Health and Safety Risk Assessments
  • Hazard identification and control measure implementation
  • Gap Analysis
  • Audits and compliance audits
  • HSE management system development, implementation and review. Including locally compliant systems such as OSHAD. And or OSHJ and/or accredited systems such as ISO 45001, ISO 14001,
    ISO 9001 and ISO 50001
  • HSE legal compliance reviews and assistance
  • Accident investigations
  • Business continuity and crisis management
  • Long term or project based HSE outsourcing
  • Flexible monthly support retainers. Giving access to HSE service without the burden of a permanent cost

To find out more about our services. Please visit our website or send an email to, or call 00 971 4 550 7862.

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